“Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh” [Ge 22: 14]

The God we worship has many names.  Each name shows for one of his characteristics.  The meaning of Jehovah Jireh is our God is a pre arranging God.  He is not taken by surprise.  He knows the past, the present and the future.  He prepares things for his children before they happen.  Here God spoke to Abraham to take his son Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice.

         “God said to Abraham, take now your son Isaac and go to moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains” [Ge 22: 2]

Abraham had an understanding that God is Jehovah Jireh.  He is a God who prepares ahead everything for his children.  Abraham could not see what god has prepared with his physical eyes.  Spiritual things can not be seen with physical eyes.  But Abraham had a strong conviction on the inside of him that God had prearranged everything for his good.  He is a good God.  God only gave Isaac in Abraham’s old age, God is interested in his children’s welfare, He is a God who keeps our families safe from all evil, and all his prearranged plans are good for our families.

“How great is thy goodness which thou hast laid up. For them that a fear thee.  Which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before men” [Ps 31:19]

As Abraham had this revelation on the inside, he rose up early in the morning to obey God.  Holy Spirit was telling him that, some thing good is going to happen on the mount moriah. He did not sleep till ten O’clock on that morning.  He did not wait for God to change his mind.  He knew very well that God never changes and his plans are always good. He gathered the wood for the sacrifice, collected the fire and saddled the ass and started his journey to mount Moriah.  I don’t know whether he told Sarah about God’s command or not, What ever may be Sarah’s opinion, he already decided to obey God.  After three day’s journey, they reached their destination.  He ordered to his servants to stay with the ass.

“Abraham said unto his servants abide ye here with the ass.  I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you.” [Ge 22:5] 

God said you sacrifice Isaac.  But Abraham said I and Isaac will come again.  He had a strong faith that he is not going to lose Isaac, Because God is a life giver.  He is the author of life.  He is not the author of death.  Satan is the killer (John 10:10) we know the story.  Abraham took his son, bound him and laid him on the alter. He stretched forth hand to slay Isaac.

“But God called unto Abraham out of heaven.  Lay not their hand upon the lad” [Ge 22:12]

Abraham lifted his eyes and saw a raw caught in the thicket.  Abraham caught the raw and offered the raw instead of Isaac. God had already prepared the raw for sacrifice.  Isaac need not be sacrificed, It was God’s intention that Isaac be blessed like the stars of heaven.

“God said by myself have I sworn that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand upon sea shore” [Ge 22:17]

God prepared a raw.  He made it got caught a thicket.  It was waiting for Abraham, Because God is Jehovah Jireh.  Isaac was not killed on Moriah. He was blessed on Moriah.  Moriah is the place where God decided to bless Abraham and Isaac.  When Abraham obeyed God he met God’s blessings.

Your blessing is waiting for you in Moriah only. After preparing your blessing God speaks to you to go to Moriah. When you obey God’s voice you will meet Jireh‘s provision.  What is God speaking to you?  Is God speaking to you to take water baptism? Is he speaking to you to receive the Holy Spirit? Is he speaking to you to give to the ministry? Is he speaking to you to come out for the full time ministry? You obey God.  Then you will meet the blessings God has prepared for you.  God bless you.  Amen!

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